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- Bases are 65 feet apart.
- The pitcher’s box is an area 2 feet wide, starting 50 feet from the tip of home plate and extending 10 feet back.
- A 2’ by 3’ mat or board will be used at home plate.
- The batter’s boxes on either side of the plate are 3½’ wide (starting 6” from the edge of home plate*) and 7’ long (with the front line of the box being 3’ ahead of the centre of home plate*). *The reference point for these measurements is the actual 5-sided home plate, not the strike mat.
- A 'commitment line' and ‘scoring line’ will be used. The commitment line is 21 feet from home towards 3rd base and the scoring line is drawn in foul territory from the front corner (3rd base side) of home. If the ball is held by a defensive player in contact with home while a runner who is past the commitment line (one foot completely past the line and on the ground) but has not reached the scoring line, the runner will be called out. Runners who have not crossed the commitment line or who need to tag up on a fly ball may return to third base with liability to be put out (otherwise runners who have crossed the line and returned to the 3rd base side of it may be called out on appeal). Runners must touch the ground on or beyond the scoring line before being put out in order to score. A runner must cross the scoring line in foul territory and may not touch home except to avoid a collision if the defensive player has moved into his path in foul territory or during a dead ball situation after bases have been awarded (e.g. bases loaded walk or an over-the-fence home run). There is no tagging a runner who is past the commitment line and if this happens the ball remains alive as if there was no tag, subject to any possible obstruction call (even though defensive player had the ball) or interference call if applicable.
- Umpires and league/team reps will decide whether a field is playable due to weather conditions. Once the game has begun it is the umpire’s decision as to whether or not it can continue to be played. As conditions improve games may be played later in the day. The Parks Dept. may cancel games in the early afternoon, which means the fields are not to be used.
- Due to the shortage of replacement diamond time, reschedules will only be granted for games cancelled due to weather or diamond problems. Reschedules will be assigned as games are cancelled and availability from Recreation Services.
- Bats must meet the standards identified with the USSSA 1.20 BPF ‘thumbprint’. (Note: A wooden bat made by an approved manufacturer and meeting the requirements of an official softball bat is considered to be within these standards even if it does not have the thumbprint logo.) The previous bat standard (ASA 2004) is no longer ‘grandfathered’. If a batter is discovered using an illegal or altered bat he will be immediately ejected from the game and ruled as an out for his current at bat (and all subsequent at bats in the game due to the ejection).
- All players and coaches on the field must wear approved baseball shoes or running shoes. Metal or hard plastic spikes are not permitted. No sandals or work boots can be worn by anybody on the playing field. If a player is discovered wearing improper footwear he must immediately leave the field until suitable shoes are put on. If he is on base a courtesy runner may be used. If he is batting he will be ruled out.
- It is strongly recommended that no jewelry of any type be worn by any participants. No facial jewelry will be permitted (nose, lip, eyebrow, etc.). Small earrings will be permitted. Necklaces/bracelets, etc. may only be worn if they will break away under tension and will not be a risk to others. If worn, each player is solely responsible for any injury/damage that may be caused by the jewelry. The umpire may have any player remove any jewelry or equipment that he deems dangerous. Sunglasses may be worn by defensive players either on the eyes or securely on top of the hat, so that they may adjust to sun conditions as needed. Sunglasses for players on offence must be worn on the eyes or not worn at all.