Article Index


    1. Profanity, abusive language, verbal abuse or unsportsmanlike conduct directed toward umpires, league officials, executive members or league players will not be tolerated. Teams/players will receive fines/suspensions, and/or a review by the Executive Council. Team franchises are reviewed yearly by the Executive Council and will be cancelled for failure to comply with this rule.
    2. An umpire shall eject any team member for reasons such as abusive behavior, unsportsmanlike conduct, or openly using profanity.
    3. All members of the AMSA are expected to remain under control during all games. Team Reps, are members of the General Council and are expected to keep all members of their team, including themselves, under control at all times.

    Note: All fines are to be paid within 1 week of the offence. Failure of a team to pay will result in scheduled games being defaulted until fines are paid, with additional default fines being assessed.
    1. Defaults: $75 team fine per occurrence (a doubleheader counts as one occurrence) Note: non-offending team(s) will receive $25 of league fine.
    2. No team rep at a General Council Meeting - $50
    3. Team /players drinking alcohol or in possession of/ using illegal substances at playing fields/ stands/parking lots - team/players kicked out of league and banned for life and bond forfeited.
    4. Ejection from game and an automatic minimum one game suspension, with re-instatement to be determined by Executive, plus $100 team fine, will be enforced for reasons such as: unsportsmanlike conduct; abuse of a player, umpire, or executive member; or undue, intentional, or malicious physical contact. Suspension guideline for first offence may be 1 to 10 games or more, depending on infraction. If there is a second offence, the player is suspended for the season with future player/team eligibility subject to Executive review, plus a $200 team fine.
    5. Threatening a player, umpire, league official, executive - immediate ejection and suspension/expulsion of player/team from AMSA plus $200 team fine. Executive council will review and discuss possible banishment from league and affiliated organization.
    6. Late Registration - $100 fine and no schedule until fees paid in full.
    7. Teams playing a suspended or ineligible player will default all games in which the player played and be fined $100. A second offence will result in team suspension for the remainder of the year and franchise renewal will be reviewed by the Executive.
    8. Teams must pay their full league fees by e-transfer (sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) , at the April meeting, to play in the league and to receive a copy of the schedule. Failure to do so shall result in a $100 fine and possible disenfranchisement.